Tag Archives: Christmas

Company For Christmas –Join the Party!

If you find yourself alone on The Big Day, head over to Company for Christmas and chat (WordPress style) with us!

Company for Christmas is a seasonal blog set up for folks that are isolated or can’t be with family or friends. A group of all-star bloggers will be moderating. Somehow I managed to sneak my way in. We’ll be talking about Christmas, community, blogging, relationships, and barbecued ribs. Basically it’s just a big ole party, and YOU’RE invited! Just click on that big C4C button on the right and join the fun.

I’ll be moderating in the coveted early-morning slot from 8am (eastern standard time USA) till 10am, so make sure you drop by my page and show some love, I need the support of my peeps!


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Filed under Community

The Most Hurtin Christmas Tree Ever


My wife has a thing for “Charlie Brown” Christmas trees. This year she insisted that we (I) cut down a tree from our back woodlot and bring it in. This was in the middle of an ice storm.

“Can’t we just go up the street and buy the littlest and cheapest tree they have?” I asked.

“Get your saw,” was her reply.

So I trucked out to the woods, which was no small feat since there was a crust of ice over about a foot of snow. I kept falling through and my boots would get hung up on the ice so that I was constantly about to trip. I came across some big moose tracks, how do they stay warm and dry on a day like this?

I located a beautiful fir tree that was about the right height. It was completely encased in ice. When I cut down the tree about half the needles came off. By the time I got it back to the house it was mostly sticks. The wife still wanted to put it up and decorate so in it came, still about half encrusted with ice. We had a nice puddle going where the presents are supposed to go.

That’s the tree this year, anyone else have a soft spot for ugly trees?



Filed under Homesteading